Pristine Safaris is a Pune based organization, which has been involved in organizing and executing holidays, for people who are passionate about travelling. The organisers themselves are very keen travelers and, have been travelling far and wide to explore the astounding wilderness of India for the last 15 years.

Traveling is not a hobby for us, but a passion.. and our endeavor is to take it to the next level!

After spending several years on field, in various wildlife abodes across India, we came to a realization of converting this passion to our profession, and that brought about a change. We like to innovate, and design holidays differently.

While travelling extensively across the country with the urge to understand the region and its wildlife, people and their culture, and also understanding the needs and necessities, to design and organise tours, for all our esteemed guests, to make their holiday very special! Our deep understanding of the client’s special interests and needs, helps us to design the tour and look into the finer details, so that the purpose of the travel is addressed to, and hence we have clients who repeatedly travel with us!

Guests on our journeys, are accompanied by a tour leader, who would be an expert at different aspects of tour handling along with a vast knowledge for attending to all the queries, be it related to wildlife, culture or food, or something else, as well as a lot of other experience sharing. And the best part is, that there is going to be a lot of knowledge and experience sharing, along with some great humor!

Our Services


Why with us

Experience Spanning 15 years
Excellent Trip Planning
Best Pricing
24 X 7 Assistance

our team

Kaustubh Mulay

Kaustubh Mulay

Naturalist and wildlife Photographer

" Kaustubh had a keen interest in observing and understanding the animals around him as a child, He developed a keen interest in visiting different sanctuaries and wildlife reserves. The exposure from that young age, encouraged him to pursue it further. Being passion driven, he then chose to work as a lodge Naturalist at Pench and Kanha National Parks for an in depth understanding about the wildlife and hospitality sectors, before he started leading tours for some reputed wildlife tour operators from UK, USA & Germany strengthening his organisational, communication and tour leading skillset. With an experience spanning over 18 years, keen understanding of wildlife and foreign national guest handling, he is there to ensure that his clients get the best possible experience, when they choose to travel with him! "

Yogesh Deshmukh

Nariman Vazifdar


With a Bachelors degree in Zoology and Chemistry, Nariman was committed to wildlife conservation and research from an early age with a Gold award from the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme and a Leadership Course in Biodiversity Conservation from the BNHS. Followed by a Master’s degree in Environmental Sciences to further enhance my knowledge and skills on an ecological level. With over 15 years of experience in the wildlife field ranging from being a lodge naturalist at Kanha and Bandavgarh Tiger Reserve, working at India’s most prestigious reptile based research stations The Madras Crocodile Bank Trust and Center for Herpetology (MCBT), The Gerry Martin Project (TGMP) and Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) as well as leading many wildlife based tours for various UK based travel companies .Nariman has also organized and run many reptile awareness workshops/sessions from wildlife enthusiast, naturalist, hotel staff to forest department personnel. Nariman’s primary interest is spreading awareness about wildlife ecology and ensuring guests travelling with him get a unique experience and understanding about India’s majestic wildlife.